Radical Criminology 4


(as of 06/23/2018 at 08:42 UTC)


Radical Criminology, edited by Jeff Shantz [Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, British Columbia], is dedicated to bridging the gap between the academy and the global activist community, especially with regard to state violence, state-corporate crime, the growth of surveillance regimes, and the prison-industrial complex. More pointedly, the journal aims to be not simply a project of critique, but is also geared toward a praxis of struggle, insurgence, and practical resistance. Issue 4 (Autumn 2014) is a special issue on “Public Criminology” edited by Justin Piché. TABLE OF CONTENTS: EDITORIAL / Jeff Shantz, “Going Forth” — FEATURES: PUBLIC CRIMINOLOGY / Justin Piché, “Critical Reflections on ‘Public Criminology’: An Introduction” — Andrew Woolford & Bryan Hogeveen, “Public Criminology in the Cold City: Engagement and Possibility” — Carrie B. Sanders & Lauren Eisler, “The Public Would Rather Watch Hockey! The Promises and Institutional Challenges of ‘Doing’ Public Criminology within the Academy” — Amanda Nelund, “Troubling Publics: A Feminist Analysis of Public Criminology” — Nicholas Carrier, “On Some Limits and Paradoxes of Academic Orations on Public Criminology” — ARTS / “Prisoner’s Justice Day: A Retrospective,” compiled by pj lilley — “Seeking Justice for Missing and Murdered Native Women,” a poem by Lisa Monchalin — INSURGENCIES / Christopher Howell, “Anarchism: A Critical Analysis” — BOOK REVIEWS / The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States (by Dan Berger), reviewed by Jordan House — Killer Weed: Marijuana Grow Ops, Media, and Justice (by Dr. Susan Boyd and Dr. Connie Carter), reviewed by Charles Reasons