The Social Bases of Affirmative Postmodern Sensibility

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T. R. Young
The Red Feather Institute

Today, I will preview a lecture on the social sources of postmodern thought which I will give grad students at TWU/UNT in Denton, Texas. In brief, there are four differing sources which have, in the past 50 years or so, converged to support a far-reaching transformation of the knowledge process in general and academic life in particular.

Some are nihilist and hold that the knowledge process is forever subverted by human interests and desire.  Some are much more affirmative; they claim that while all truth claims are suspect, they are suspect by virtue of the fact they tend to support class, racist and gender privilege. 

My own view is that pre-modern, modern and postmodern knowledge processes can be most helpful to the human project of praxis and planning but that each provides but part of the totality of human interest.  Pre-modern knowledge processes gave us the social-psychological capacities to hope, to trust, to believe, to have faith and to sanctify nature and society.  Modern science has gone from success in predicting the behavior of simple non-linear systems and grounds much of what is helpful in transport, communication, medicine, construction and agriculture.

Postmodern knowledge processes are far more problematic, filled as they are with passion, jealousy, ambition, anger and greed...filled in fact with all the seven deadly sins mentioned in pre-modern wisdom.  Yet good theory and good politics are possible.   Feminism has helped change the face of research in both theory and methods...all by herself, Carol Gilligan changed our understandings of moral development.  Third World artists, writers, dramatists and dancers are changing Euro-centric norms of aesthetics and ethics...and thus greatly increase the human heritage.  Postmodern scientists, beginning with Poincare' and centering on the work of Lorenz, Mandelbrot and Feigenbaum are transforming our philosophy of science to include transformations from order to disorder...rather than looking for and praising only that which is sure and certain.  

So let's honor some of these sources.

Among the social bases for postmodern thought/critique/sensibility include:

Each of these sources of postmodernity have different problematics and differing ways to speak of their dis-enchantment with modern science and its concern with absolutes, finalities, universalities and rationalities.

They have in common with pre-modern sensibility and Christian fundamentalism as well as Islam and Buddhism, a concern with that which is excluded, that which is omitted, that which is mysterious and that which is emotional and sensual.

For those interested in the sociology of sports, I have an article in my book on 'The Drama of Social Life' which deconstructs professional sports using the ideas and approaches of critical theory. For those interested in the sociology of religion, there is an article on 'The Typifications of Christ at Christmas and Easter Time' which locates such typifications in the mass, electronic media and gauges their utility for the colonization of desire.

Those who want to look at some of my other work can use gopher on internet to gain access to the Red Feather Institute Archives, double click on:


For those interested in Political Correctness, there is an article in the Wisconsin Sociologist [V.30, No.1, 1993] in which I set the problematics of p.c. in its larger, socio-historical context...some like it.

Until next time. T. R. Young